
Recipe for Roasted Midget with Pineapple

Simply mixing in a pineapple can bring out so many flavors within the midget.

The tangy kick of the pineapple mixes so well with a midget flavor, as do all kinds of other types of fruit.

The taste of pineapple can remind some people of a Caribbean style meal, which will always go over well at any party. If this is your first time cooking midget then this recipe is for you, it’s quick, easy, and full of flavor.

You’ll only need a couple things for this recipe for roasted midget, all of which can be bought from your local grocery store.

You’ll need:
•1 midget for every 2 people who will be attending the dinner,
•1 can of diced pineapple, and
• cornstarch.
See, the recipe will be simple but very effective on the taste buds.

Place the midgets in foil baking pans and place in the oven at 325 degrees for 2 hours.

Baste the midget with the dripping sin the bottom about 2-3 times per hour, you can’t overdo it so don’t be afraid to do more than less.

While the midget is roasting pour the pineapple’s syrup in a small pan.

Bring this to a boil, as it is boiling pour the starch in slowly until the sauce is just getting gooey.

Once the sauce has thickened pour in the pineapple chunks and stir the mixture. When the midgets are done remove them and remove all of the meat.
You can create slices out of the meat or just cut it up into chunks. When you are done and ready to serve just pour the sauce over the midget meat.

This is a very quick way to show you exactly how easy it is to mix the taste of midget with almost anything. Just a quick sauce and some roast midget can melt anybody’s stomach away. Just never be afraid to mix it up with midget meat or roast midget. To try and twist you can place some pineapple in the midget while it’s roasting, along with some apples and oranges.

This mixture can then be added to the sauce and poured on and your recipe for roasted midget will be delicious.

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

deep-fried midget

angelodias disse...

O problema é o preço. Já nem vendem ao metro agora. Ai dê-me aí uns 20 centimetros desse achinezado.
Está pelas horas da morte esta merda.